Donate to NACEF

  • For every $19.95 donation to NACEF, we will provide a registration key for a single user license for MCA to you as a thank-you. (please remember to include desired user name(s) with your donation). For site-wide license pricing please contact author)


  • To donate securely online now (powered by Paypal, which has 56 million users and growing) with either a credit card or Paypal, please click the button below


  • If you already have a Paypal account, you could simply donate by sending payment through Paypal to (NOTE)


  • please do not forget to include desired user name with your registration!


  • Please note that the paypal account is in fact an NACEF account. This email address ( does NOT mean that I am associated with NACEF in any way or that the donation will be passing through my paypal account (my own paypal account is, but don't send donation to!). The paypal account was set up entirely for handling MCA-related donations. Only NACEF has the Paypal account access while all emails to would be auto-forwarded to me so that I get email notification of donations. This was I could quickly respond to user registration and send out registration key as soon as possible, all without troubling NACEF staff with handling of MCA-related requests AND without me worrying about dealing with donations.